On April 13, 2023, Nature Energy organized an information session for the residents of Coevorden, giving them the opportunity to learn more about Nature Energy and the latest updates of the project in Coevorden. During the evening, the plans for a bio-fermentation plant on the Europark business park were presented. The informal ‘walk-in’ setup ensured that residents also had the opportunity to ask questions and provide input. We, as Nature Energy, valued all the gathered ideas and input about local sustainable energy production.
In the upcoming months, we will continue to work on integrating these aspects in the project. For instance, much attention is paid to counteracting possible forms of nuisance. We look forward to continuing this dialogue with the local community and authorities to make sure that the project is embedded in the regional context.
Location: meeting center “De Hoeksteen”. Rabenhaupstraat 1, 7741EN Coevorden